Friday, 25 September 2015

Technical difficulties along with some cultural differences.

Being that I am currently having some technological issues with my laptop here at school unfortunately this week I will not be able to post any pictures of my most recent travels. I figured that even though this is a bummer for me it may be a nice change of pace. So I decided to write a short post about the differences, living in London vs. Living in the U.S..
      Upon arriving in London some cultural differences were obvious but now that my stay here has been almost a month I have recognized many more. For instance people here are much more quiet and not as loud as many Americans, they are more laid back about many things, when on the tube you stand on the right!, the style here is very different the best way to put it is that it's much more European if that makes sense, I'm a big burger person and I have notice that over here there good but just not the same also they use cucumbers instead of pickles on their burgers, speaking of the food here is very different than back home, portions are smaller, there isn't as much flavor in certain things, and also they really seem to like their carbs mainly potatoes. Most places here are not open all the time like they are in the US, rather they close around 11 and it is very hard to find places that are actually open 24/7. The pub culture and drinking age is something that is very different here. At 18 any one who wants to can purchase alcohol which kind of feels weird at first but I've been getting used to it more now. The final thing, something that I can't stand, is that everyone smokes here! It's almost impossible to walk down the street without running in to at least 6 people smoking. Those are just some of the things that I have picked up on here feel free to comment if you'd like. Let me know if you like seeing pictures more or getting to read small things like this!

Friday, 18 September 2015

The Roman Spa's and the city of Bath

This may look like a statue but it was actually a man dressed to look like one.

The roman bath circa 65AD.

View from the small cafe we ate at.

Sunday, 13 September 2015